11 Kickstarter Campaign Do’s and Don’ts

By August 26, 2013March 13th, 2014Tips & Tricks

Check out these 11 successfully funded Kickstarter campaigns. While each crowdfunder smashed his/her fundraising goal, each had some regrets. Here are eleven things they wish they would have done differently.

“If I had simply taken the time to put my product in front of people and get feedback, I would have created a much more usable product. Instead, I was too scared of what people thought, that I just decided to launch on Kickstarter and not ask for opinion.”

-Jesse Phillips, Founder of NeuYear

You’d be surprised how many pitfalls you can avoid by just asking for help. Especially when you’re just starting out. It’s always a good idea to learn from those who have gone before you, no? For more valuable lessons in crowdfunding, venture forth and read up on these 11 successful campaigns.

What’s on your mind? Where are you at in the campaign process? Post your concerns below in the comments and we’ll start a discussion!

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